
Balls & non-student ticketing

Does Youni work for balls / do ball ticketing?

Yes it does - we have a tonne of features designed specifically for the very best ball experience, as well as all our other features that make running events on Youni flawless. 

Firstly, for non-students, you can now sell ball tickets via your very own web link. This means alumni / guests etc don’t need to be a student, download the app etc to get a ticket to your lovely ball. 

In addition, we’ve got our additional info features, letting you get critical information like dinner orders / dietary requirements etc if necessary.

You can also create tickets that are aimed at specific colleges, preventing users from different colleges accessing them. 

If you’re thinking about ticketing for your ball, please do reach out to us. You can contact us here, or via email: youni@tbcgroup.xyz. We can get on a call with you the very same day and run you through our features.

Effortlessly host balls with ticketing for students and non-students alike

See below for more pics on how it looks for your non-student guests!

How do we sell tickets to non-students?

You can now sell tickets to non-students, be they alumni, ex students or just people in town. They won’t need to download the app, and can buy their tickets on web in a few clicks of a button.

By making a ticket “available to non students” it will spin up a quick web page for checkout (which looks great btw) - you’ll be able to send that link to all your non-student guests.

When you’re creating your event, and adding your tickets, tap “Availability”. You’ll have the option to “Allow non-students”. You can even make specific tickets that are only available to non-students, if you want different pricing etc - these won’t appear in app, but only on the web.  

Remember that you need to set this for each ticket that you want available to non-students. The default is student only. Happy selling!

Your instant checkout for non-students

Adding external ticketing (non-student ticketing) - below example is for a ticket that is only available to non-students