
Event basics

How do I create an event?

Head to the build & manage section (the + button centre of the navigation bar) and hit create an event. Note, you need to have a group to be able to create an event, so create a group/ get added as a team member of a group if you haven’t got one yet :)

How do I create draft events?

Whilst creating an event, you can save them as drafts. Your team members will all be able to see and access that draft, edit it, and anyone of you can publish it. This makes working together on events super easy :) Not sure what price you’re gonna sell tickets for just yet? Not to worry, save as a draft and your treasurer can add it and publish it. You can manage your events in the build & manage section, pick them up, edit them and publish!

How do I edit / manage an event?

Either head to the event page itself and hit manage group, or go to the build & manage section (+ button centre of the navigation bar) and all your events and draft events can be found there.

For upcoming events, you can then edit any of the details, like start time, location, any of the ticketing stuff too.

You can also see how your event is doing. Head to view analytics to see your stats. Head to view attendees to get a breakdown of who’s coming.

You can export all your attendee data at a click of a button. In Manage event > View attendees you’ll see a download button top right. That will ping to your email a CSV (spreadsheet) with your attendee data :)

Finally, you can also send notifications to your attendees. Go to Manage event > Send notification to attendees. Make sure not to spam them or they might block you / report you. Misuse of this tool will lead to a ban.

What happens if I cancel an event?

Cancelling an event is always sad vibes. That’s why we wanted to make it as painless as it could be, and help y'all out with the admin. Your attendees will be notified on cancellation of your event. If anyone has paid for a ticket, they will be automatically issued a refund, as per our refund policy.

Head to manage event, and hit Cancel event. The rest is taken care of. On to the next one!