

How do I add friends on Youni?

Before you can add friends, you need to finalise your profile. Head to profile, and make sure you’ve completed all the required onboarding steps.

Once done, you’ll be able to either search for your friend by name, see them on attendee lists for events, or find them in our quick add section. Click on their profile and send them a request! 

Do I need to add friends to use Youni?

No, not at all, but we do recommend doing it to make full use of our fun features. Youni’s goal is to show students what’s happening on campus and what events their friends are going to, so you can get out your dorm room and spend time with your friends doing awesome things. Adding your friends on Youni is the first step to unlocking all of that. 

I can’t find my friend on Youni - what should I do?

When you search for friends on Youni, remember that they have to have fully onboarded and been verified to show up. This helps protect you from fake accounts.

If they haven’t joined the platform yet, then send them an invite link. Go to Profile > Manage friends > Invite & Add friends. You’ll be able to send them a link there!  

Can my friends see all the events I’m going to?

Your friends can only see public events you signed up for. If you’re going to a private event that they’re not a part of, they won’t be able to see you’re going. 

What should I do if someone I don’t know adds me as a friend?

You can ignore or decline the request. If you feel uncomfortable or suspect inappropriate behaviour, you can report the user in-app to our support team or block them directly.