Is Youni free💲 - and if so, why?

Youni is free and will always be free to use 🤞 The vast majority of events on our platform are free to attend, but we also provide for paid ticketed events too! Youni was built to help students connect with one another IRL - we were frustrated at uni about the student experience, about how much it cost us all, and about how prevalent mental health issues were all around us.

We are, however, a business and need to (eventually lol) make some money so we can keep investing in building a social network that actually brings people together IRL. Tech that, instead of keeping us doomscrolling, alone and divided, encourages community and activity. We make money in two ways: (1) commission on paid tickets (although we do this cheaper than all major competitors) and (2) event sponsorship - we help companies deploy their event sponsorship budgets, lobbying them to invest more into community driven initiatives, extracurriculars and the event scene more broadly. This helps our organisers get funding, allowing them to focus on delivering value to their communities.

We believe social media has become unsocial media. Designed to keep you on your screens, with $100s of billions spent on buying that screentime, resulting in no real value given to social media users. We want that money instead to be spent on sponsoring activity, community and events, where there is a more mutual, democratic exchange of value 💜