What ticketing features do you have?


So many great features, where do we begin…

(1) Ticket types: First thing to say is for any event you can have multiple ticket types. This gives you great flexibility with your ticketing. 

(2) Free/Paid: You can have free and/or paid tickets, both simultaneously if you’d like

(3) Discount codes / rep codes: You can add discount codes for each ticket type. Note you can only have one % discount per ticket type, but you can have multiple codes for the same ticket discount. This is ideal if you have a rep network and want to track how each rep has done. Each code must be unique. 

(4) Physical tickets (vs digital): Selling freshers wristbands or paper tickets to club nights? Now you can collect payment via Youni, through apple pay/card etc, see exactly who’s bought what AND your attendees will be given all the instructions to pick up their tickets, as well as your ticket reps Whatsapp in case they needa chat with y-all. Physical ticket collection, made simple. Please, please, please ensure that your attendees do not rock up to the venue without their physical ticket. This can create delays on the door, and stress out the super hardworking door staff that help make these events happen. 

(5) Private codes: You can make a ticket only accessible with a secret code. Great for guest lists / tickets for your committee etc. These codes must be unique. 

(6) Scheduled release: By default, tickets are released when the event is published. However, you can opt to schedule ticket releases, and can do this ticket type by ticket type. Great for building up hype. Your event can be live, people can say they are interested, and you build up to the moment of release! You need to set a release time and date. Note, all times, regardless of your location, follow UK time zones (for now ;) 

(7) Individual limits: You can make it such that an individual can only by max a certain number of tickets. This is great for free events, for instance, preventing someone from just selling out the entire thing. Also super useful if you want every individual to have their own ticket, so you get a proper view of every attendee coming (as opposed to someone buying a ticket for their friend, and then you don’t know who that guest is).